As usual, in every new year some people make wish list. No exception me. My wish list are:
- easy to solve some problems
- be better than last year
- be better blogger
- get earning from online business
- capable to design wordpress theme in near time
- be the a web designer
- be the web designer freelancer
- can continue my study
- be an entrepreneur
- be better writing & speaking in english
- those just view of my wish -- there are lot of others
Have you make your own wishlist? let me know here from comment box.
I'm happy today, coz this blog have got PR2.
5 komentar:
Selamat Tahun Baru Mas.
Semoga langkahnya semakin mantaps.
Salam hangat selalu :)
@yayat38: selamat tahun baru juga
Selamat Tahun Baru 2010
Salam Hangat Selalu
happy new year...
semoga apa yang direncanakan ke depan bisa tercapai... amiiin...
Selamat ya mas. Tahun baru PR baru. The fachia turun jd 3.. :(
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