Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

The Adventages of Blogging

I think you will agree that blogging is delight activity. For me blogging no just only for fun but it as a learning and sharing knowledge media.

I start blogging when I sat on 3rd level of Junior high school. When I first started blogging, my learning process is started (especially on understanding blog engine it self). I start learning blogging on blogspot or we can say it blogger. I learned about how to make a blog, customize page, customize sidebars, writing, sharing tutorials (photoshop, flash, twitter, and facebook) learning SEO anda also learning blog monetizing.

Advantages of Blogging

Until now there are lot of advantages which I have gotten from blogging actifity:
  1. Increase my knowledge
  2. Increase my skill on understanding programming language HTML, XML and CSS even Java Script
  3. Interact with other blogger through comments box
  4. As a place for telling something that happened around me
  5. As a place for starting business (blog monetizing)
  6. As a place for writing exercise (in english or bahasa indonesia)
  7. more and more.....

What are the advantages of blogging which you feel? Let me know it

5 komentar:

yayat38 mengatakan...

Terima kasih atas partisipasinya. Saat ini tercatat sebagai peserta ke 44. Untuk mengeceknya silakan kunjungi http://arkasala.com/peserta-kemeriahan-di-leysbook.html.
Semoga beruntung.
Salam hangat dan sukses selalu

Berry Devanda mengatakan...

wah...mungkin anda satu2nya peserta yang memakai bahasa inggris...
semoga menang ya...

kharis sulistiyono mengatakan...

@Berry Devanda: mkasih mas..

made gelgel mengatakan...

waduh ketinggalan kereta nih, ini ceritanya apa mas??? kontes??? sukses ya! maaf nih jarang BW

wahyu mengatakan...

inggris amat sih? aku jadi nggak ngerti.

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